Thursday, February 3, 2011

You wake up cranky because you're tired .... ummm

Ok so here it is, do you ever feel like just freaking out or loosing it on the one that you love, sleep beside and had children with?

I do and did want to sooo bad this morning. LAtely that is all I am hearing about is how tired he is and because of it he is a CRANK in the morning. Yes, I do understand that some times the kids have a way of making it worse especially with the whining and fighting first thing in the morning BUT REALLY!

LAst night at 4am I woke him up to go deal with Chase because he was crying for me but I was not able to go because I was nursing Theia. So he gets up only to find out Chase has wet the bed...sigh. Luckily though he dealt with it calm and was able to send Chase back to bed after changing the sheets and what not.

This I get, it is a disruptive sleep.

Now here is my disruptive sleep. I went to bed at 9:30 was not able to fall to sleep until after ten because of the running around the upstairs people were doing.

11:08 I am woken by Theia, brought her in to bed, nursed her for about 20 minutes and then back to bed she went.

Close to 2am she wakes up again. Bringing her into bed, nurse her and choose not to bring her back to her bed because I am too damn tired.

4am nurse again, disrupted continually by her sleeping because she has now developed the cold that Hayden has...sigh.

6:08 Theia wakes up...nurse her again because I am tooo damn tired to get out bed so I prolong it with a cuddle and a nursing.

6:13 Daddy gets out of bed, turns on tv and has a nice quiet shower. Comes into the room and complains about how tired he is, lack of sleep and grumpy he is. As he is barking at me!

Meanwhile I am lucky if I get a shower a DAY, and in peace for that matter. A full nights sleep is a no no for me and sleeping in for that matter. I am lucky if I can catch a cat nap in the afternoon for 30 minutes before I ahve to go get Hayden from school. The list is ending.

But yet, every morning no word of a lie I get up feeling happy, exhausted to the point of tears. But happy...and as the morning progress that is to be determined if it will continue to be happy. But I try!

7 years of no sleep and I still wake up happy...I may not say "Goodmorning" as John likes it, but I always have a smile, a snuggle and soft spoken voice with coffee in hand. (Ok I know anyone who knows me does not beleive the soft spoken voice, but it is sweet and happy and full of life)

Why can't some I say SOME men be the same. If only they went through what I have been through in 7 years regarding sleep dep maybe then he would think twice about complaining bout getting up once in the night and early in the morning. (I am sick of hearing all I want to do is to be able to sleep in one morning) Sigh!!! And I am the one who is taking the Anti-Depressants. I think it he should be concidering it too and damn start taking those vitamins I am trying to shove down your THROAT!!!

It just might, just might improve your

And so now my day begins only to realise my poor little Theia is also cutting a tooth. And EVERYONE has the cold! So on with my day now as everyone is home again because of this cold and I REFUSE to send them to school only to get everyone else sick and for them to feel miserable!

1 comment:

  1. Hey D:

    Get a bottle of Homeocan 0-9 for Teething for Theia. It isn't a pain killer. It deals with the irritability, tummy upset and crankiness that comes with teething. It was like magic with Alex (who won't let us count to see if he has all 20).

    Boy do I know how you feel re: hubby whining about being tired? What do they know? They get up to help the child once in the middle of the night? Rick, for the last year or so, has been getting up with Alex when he has a bad dream or an owie. But the first year? When did THAT happen? I always got up and nursed Alex. Rick never got up and went to get him for me; and I always wondered why.

    Now Alex's room is also what used to be my office. I sit in my office chair with boppy to nurse then Alex goes straight back to bed.

    It gets better, eventually.
