Monday, January 17, 2011

My RANT: What is going on with Ontario, schools.......

OK so this is going to be my rant Blog for today. And please to those who work for the government or any school officials. This is a rant not to be a personal attack.

Here I am this morning getting ready all four kidlets for the walk to school in -26. Now yes I know to some it is not that cold. To me I enjoy the walk, I was raised in Inuvik and used to the -35 walks to school and playing outside.

But seriously since I have moved to Ontario there are sooo many flaws and selfishness that is around here that it actually worries me. So back to my point, I am walking my kidlets to schools boys all bundled up (it really was not bad for them or I) but it is the girls who have to suffer! Sitting in the stroller bundled up in blankets and snow suits. See here is one of the problems, when you buy a pair of boots for your toddler and it indicates -30. The manufacturer does not stipulate that this is for walking/active movement. When you are sitting in a stroller there is no way that your poor little tootsie can with stand -26 temperatures!

So why did I say Ontario, have teachers that go on strike about every two years because they are demanding more money. They also expect to do less. When they went into the profession they KNEW what was to be expected of them.. Now, it has just become greedy. More and more teachers are not in it for our kids of tomorrow they are in it for 50.00 an hour pay check, ready to strike again to get it to 54.00. For all of those who strike it rich, do you not think that this is having an effect on our schools.

Which ones stay open and which ones close, which programs are offered and not offered and most of all WHAT BUS services are available. I have about 8 buses that drive by my house or just around the corner and not ONE can pick up my kidlets or the other ones on this street for that matter.

So here you have Harper implement the Universal Child Tax Benefit, hey that is great for me as I was living in Quebec and was able to get a few more things for the kids with out the stress. That is because we chose that I would be a SAHM and we also had door to door bus service! But living in Ontario that is a totally different thing!! Most parents have to work it out to take time off, or work less or odd hours to accommodate picking up their preK and K kids as there is only half days here. Think of the child care providers some of them spend their day walking back and forth with all kids in tow. And god forbid if you have one that is in morning and one in the afternoon, then you are really screwed. Most people have to pay people just to bring their kids to school

One mother was looking for some one to walk their son home, which was literally 2 minutes from the school and she was quoted 35 a week! Ummmmmm just to drive the kid home........WOW!!! And Harper only gives the mom 100.00 a MONTH until he is six well that expires in a few months for this mom.

So here it is, stop going on strike! Think about the children and the families that are being affected from greed! Yes, you ARE supposed to do your job with the full intentions that you are doing the best for our children for TOMORROW!!! IF you today can not understand what impact greed has then how do we expect our kids of tomorrow to understand. Let's start going back, to small is better, green is beautiful and all the other little sayings we used to say that are now long forgotten and replaced with the bigger the better!

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