Sunday, November 14, 2010

What just happened

You ever notice in life sometimes with your life partner that you have chosen you wonder if it will last or it if it is worth it?

Well, I am one that has gone throughout the years that we have been together have wondered. And every time we get like Arrrgggg,  life turns it around and makes you see that you made the right choice.

I have a partner that I love and adore with all that I am. We definitely have gone through ups and downs. Sometimes more downs then up....

But here we are in this stinken apartment that has a cement floor, we can hear them upstairs and I KNOW they can here us. But I am happy, probably the happiest  I have been in years. Something about being together and finally understanding what makes us tick and what does not makes the whole world better.

I never thought I would actually find some source of happiness moving from my friends, the kids friends, the small town I have come to love and adore. ( Don't get me wrong I am sad at times for my sweet friends I miss so much) But to have John as a friend, companion, lover and  father to my kids is probably the best I have ever felt.

I am closer to him, not afraid to show that fun, silly side of me any more. I have grown so affectionate to him and my kids during this short time I have been here. (so weird but I have learned to embrace it)

I used to think while living in my small town that if I had to I could live and raise my kids alone. I was wrong!

John and I laugh together like we used to 14 years ago, we have grown affectionate together and ACTUALLY snuggle together while sitting together on the couch.

We have had so many obstacles to overcome and I feel now in my heart it was worth all the struggles. Because I can actually say I Love John Carriere with all that I am and thank him for the children we have had together and the life we have and will continue to have!!!  No Not more CHILDREN, just our love and life!

Funny how so unexpectedly life turns you that happy note with out you looking or wanting, it just happens! It was soo long over due and so happy to receive, and the best part is that I saw it, am loving it and will strive for more!

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