Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nursing my babe and the bond we create

I am sitting here with my baby girl passed out on my lap, after just waking up and having a nursing from her mommy.

To feel the warm of her body close to mine, to watch her nurse with such comfort gives me that comfort. To know she still needs and wants me in that nurturing way is something I am enjoying and regretting the day we must end this bond only for it to be replaced with a different kind of bond.

I have nursed all my babies with same love, ease and adoration. But with Theia it is different, she is still so tiny, needing and my last.

I have many in my life who think she should be weened, and at times I try and just give up and give her back what she wants most. Mommies milk! The comfort and the warmth that I offer her as she offers me.

I am soo busy with all the kids that this is the one thing she gets undivided attention with and will not take that away from her

She will be a year in January and I for see the nursing to continue past that. Not more then two but she will definetely be my longest nursed as mommy and baby try to find that right time to transfer in to a different kind of bond


  1. I think it's great what you are doing! It is a true bond between mother and child!
    Keep up the good work!

    I nursed Piper for 13 months!

  2. Keep it up! I think it's a beautiful thing!

    I nursed Memphis for 18 months (stopped about a month after finding out I was pregnant), and 20.5 months for Ruby. I wouldn't have changed a thing!

  3. You are doing what only you can do. Don't listen to other people's negativity. Only you and Theia can decide when to wean. You are a great mama to your babies. Don't let anyone tell you differently!
