Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Name your kids....have you ever

Everyday is a new adventure in my house and it always involves my children.

Let's go back to the day we decided to name our children. Hayden; I really wanted a name that was Irish to do the correct spelling of the Gaelic name hayden it would look like this Ó hÉideáin which in the Irish term refers to 'Armor' or 'Clothes'. Written the English way it means 'Valley with Hay'.

Now you can percieve this in many ways but it is a strong name....baling hay is not easy, picky, makes you itchy....but can be fun and wonderful to play in and run through. Armor...hmmmm think what you may

Then there was Chase; it's an old english name it meant 'huntsman' and and today it means CHASE

Autumn; changing seasons, beautiful vibrant colours, harvest, cold and warm at the same time.

Theia; a goddess of the mother of the sun, moon and dusk, she was a Titan.

When I was naming my children did I actually think at the time they would actually take on the characters of thier names. NO!!!!

Hayden is good today, who knows about tomorrow or even this evening for that matter. He can be picky, get under your skin, tons of fun and so forth....definetly taking on his name.

Chase; I thought or we thought it was cute and suited him well. Did we really know that we would spend our lives chasing him and trying to get him to sit still? Spoke with his JK teacher today and asked how he was making out, her response was "he is getting comfortable" I laughed. With a reply of "Oh, how comfortable" she proceeds to tell me that he is definetely of his own, he will sprawl out of the floor, when she is trying to get him to trace his name with her hand on his he will start and then start to stare at her with his goofy smile and just want to play. As I listened I was laughing to myself and with a quick reply I said "We have named our children right, we spend our days chasing after Chase!" She laughed and said "you could not be more right" ;)

Then there is Autumn; so beautiful and sweet.........and changes her moods like the colour of the leaves or the dips in temperatures we have to endure during this season. I laugh to myself constantly thinking about her. Such a princess, spit fire,...a tinkerbell full of sweetness and love, with a temper that you just have to shake your head at.

I was so careful when I choose Autumns' name thinking it was a safe name. What character could you take on with such a beautiful season? Well...ummmm I am starting to see an eye opener on my beautiful season.

Then there is Theia, WHAT WERE WE THINKING NAMING HER AFTER A GODDESS!!!! What drew me to her name was that she was a Titan, that she was the mother to the Sun, Moon and Dusk. A nurturing type.

Let's hope she does not come into play of her name ....lol

Till another day or another blog of flips and bounces of the couch....guess who that one is. Or melt downs and frusterations to hugs and kiss, or tempertantrums becasue the baby will not sit right, to night feeds and don't wipe my nose.

We are blessed with such life what is the teenage years going to bring us with such amazing characters such as ours. Keep reading I am sure that you will enjoy reading the ride as we will enjoy riding through it's ups and downs and screams of excitement!

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