Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Theia growing in leaps and bounds

My Theia, my last one, my little bundle of joy is growing up faster then mommy wants her to.

Her character is amazing, funny, content, graceful, petite and so much more.

For Theia it took her a while to show her character, she was always the quiet one with a tiny little smile and her big brown eyes. She loves to laugh but it was never loud and boisterous just small, like a chuckle and a giggle combined. It took nothing to put a smile on her face.

Now here she is ten months old, exploring, growing and coming into her own. She has the quirkiest little personality who will sneak up quietly to whom ever is lying on the floor and start to bounce on them or pull their hair. She loves the attention she receives from her older sister Autumn...she makes her laugh and it is so endearing.

Theia loves to pounce and crawl all over Chase who to be honest has no patience for his baby sister; especially when there is a cartoon on or after a long morning of school.

Hayden is her special one you can tell for sure, all he has to do is smile at her or let alone just walk in the room and her face lights up with love and adoration for him.

She loves to destroy Haydens' Lego, towers, forts or whatever that little man is deciding to build. He tries to be patient but ends up yelling for help or get her away. I enter the room and bring her out with me so she does not destroy his adventure and no matter what I put in front of her for distraction she crawls right back to her path of destruction.

There is something about Theia that animals like or accept from her. Freyja is constantly having her hair pulled, tail pulled, tail bitten even the ears but still chooses to lie there while Theia is enjoy the touch and the feel of her fur. The cat at times howls in pain because you can here she is being squished to death, but the dumb cat still chooses to stay. The same thing goes for my girlfriends' cat and dog, it does not matter what Theia does to them they stay and endure....mean while us as parents are always worried that one day they will retaliate.

Theias' new found love right now is the bookshelf. On a daily basis she will take every single one of them out and has such a sad little cry when one of the books dare hurt her. As she looks over right now with a sad look and a soft cry to let me know that she has been hurt, the quickly notices the cat under that chair and makes her way there.

Theia has tried new and wonderful things it is such a huge list from, cat litter, cat poop, dog poop, sand, leaves, grass, play dough was the best I never saw such blue baby poop in my life!

She has picked up two new sports one tumbling off of everything and have this heart retching cry the other is something I call Nurse Diving. Every time she is picked up and feels the need to nurse she dives her head to either side of choosing and tries continuously until mommy gives in and offers her a nursing. It really is quite the site to see. I am thinking synchronized swimming could be in her future. She is definitely flexible enough and not mention she really is getting quite good with the head diving!

She loves to say no when she is done what ever it is she is doing at the time, I am desperately trying to teach her yes....something tells me she is head set on the NO

She has the tiniest of frames with the longest set of feet you could imagine. If she were a boy life would be great for her as a teenager. Unfortunately this is not the case......

I love my baby girl, glad to see her come out of her shell.....keep growing my love!

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