Sunday, November 7, 2010

Consistancy; how hard it is to follow

In life we strive to be consistance in every aspect of life. Let it be with the time we spend with our kids, the activities we provide for them. The routine we strive to create for ourselves, family, friends and our children and yet I find it so hard to achieve.

The simple things such as moisturizing every time I get out of the shower to make sure I don't get that  yucky skin, putting on make up, to do my hair, to shaving, and the list goes on!

I think some times that I was not made for order...I strive for certain things in my life to make sure that I look and feel my best for myself, hubby and my friends. I am able to do it for a few days then fall back in to the pattern of if I can, I will or if find time later.

Don't get me wrong the kids are fed everyday around the same time, clothed, teeth brushed off to school. It's ME. I start to excersice and then next minute you know I am not finding time.....when did it ever get so overwhelming that the simple thing of brushing your hair becomes such a chore. And as we go through this in life we are harder on ourselves because we are failing, not anyone around us...just ourselves.

It's funny too because John is really good to me. He never complains about the unkept hair, or the hairy legs for that matter but I am sure that deep down inside he does like to see that I am well enough to take time for myself to do the things that matter to me.

And it is not just about how he percieves me, it's about look in the mirror and feel "Damn you look good today girl!"

I just wonder how many of us are out there that struggle with this on a daily basis, ESPECIALLY being a stay at home mom.

Hell sometimes I feel like I could walk my kids to school in pj's and just stay that way, then this sense of guilt crawls in and there I am staring at myself in the mirror again knowing that if only I did what I KNOW I WANT to do...I would not feel so blah!!! LOL a stay at home

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